Surviving Earthquakes… what to do?
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Surviving Earthquakes… what to do?

More than 17 million people felt the La Habra Earthquake last Friday night.  It shook the southland coming in at 5.1 on the the Richter scale. And for those of you who don't live in LA, no it was not the "Big One". But if it was, would you have been ready?

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Procrastination… what is the risk?
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Procrastination… what is the risk?

Don’t wait until after something happens to get your emergency supplies. Make a list and start now. Each time you go to the store to buy a bottle of wine, buy an item for your kit so you are prepared!

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Emergency Water
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Emergency Water

In the event of an emergency, maybe the single most important thing we’ll need is water. But how much do we need to store? And are their other options?

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What to tell your children…
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

What to tell your children…

How we as adults deal with the 'ugly' things going on in the world will determine how our children perceive the world and their places in it. What ideas are your children learning?

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Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Helping children cope after disasters

Disasters can happen at any time and often with very little or no warning. Children are at an increased risk for emotional and psychological issues post-disaster. A child’s behavior after a disaster will change, know that you can help.

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Gun Control… why it’s not enough.
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Gun Control… why it’s not enough.

As a safety professional, I am educated on the systems that can be employed to reduce (unfortunately not always prevent) these horrific acts of violence, but more than ever, we as a society and parents need to start at home. The basics around empathy and kindness have been lost in our society.

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Active Shooter Drills, why they are doing more harm than good.
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Active Shooter Drills, why they are doing more harm than good.

I’ve seen some horrifying coverage of ill-planned, poorly executed active shooter drills and exercises. There is a massive push to do them, and not without merit, however the likelihood is still extremely rare, and the execution is causing more harm than good.

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Power's Out, No Coffee…
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Power's Out, No Coffee…

In a real disaster, Starbucks will be the least of your concerns… Have what you need when you’ll need it in case the power goes out and you are left wondering “what happened??”

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The Liquid of Life… how much is enough?
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

The Liquid of Life… how much is enough?

Do you have enough stored in case of an emergency? The answer depends on a few things such as your family size, pets, and how long you should realistically anticipate being without critical services post disaster.

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Fire Season
Soraya Sutherlin Soraya Sutherlin

Fire Season

There used to be “seasons” where we could expect wildfires in Ca, but something has changed in the past 3 or so years. Drought, building in hazard prone areas, weather, you name it. I’m not here to answer the why, just the what you’ll need “if” you need to grab and go. 

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