Procrastination… what is the risk?

In honor of National Preparedness Month 2015, and the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, I thought it would be appropriate to remind people that procrastination and preparedness is not a combo I recommend often. This year's theme is "Don't wait; Communicate" encouraging citizens to create emergency communications plans before a disaster happens.

The vast majority of people who decided to join the 21st century, have a cellphone. Most of us feel as if we have lost a limb if we don't have it with us at all times. However, we have become so dependent on them, we have lost the practice of memorizing phone numbers, printing pictures, or carrying a Thomas Guide (I vaguely remember something that resembled a 10 ton book) in our cars. Yet, when your phones loose power, either through lack of ability to charge it or through some sort of EMP, the vast majority of us will be pretty useless in helping ourselves, much less others.

A study done by the CDC estimates that nearly half of Americans have no preparedness supplies or plans in place. And I am going out on a limb and saying 99% of that percentage live in CA. In Earthquake Country, we don't experience the hurricanes and weather events like the rest of the county. In  fact, we have been without a significant weather event in so long, we are now in a drought (just in case you haven't watched the news in the past decade). The reality is, we have become complacent with the mindset of "it won't happen in my lifetime" or "yes, I will do that later". Well ladies and gentleman, "later" isn't going to work if something happens tomorrow.

So my point is, waiting until after something happens will guarantee you hardship, not only for you but the ones you love. Make a list of supplies, and each time you go to the store to buy a bottle of wine, buy an item for your kit. :) Make it simple, and it won't be so overwhelming. Otherwise, that case of water that was once $6.99, is now $500 or worst yet, out of stock.

Make a pledge to be prepared! Its not a risk you should be willing to take :)

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